1-2-3 Forår 2020

I denne tid hvor vi ikke kan mødes fysisk, vil vi her samle opmuntringer fra Ikeda Sensei samt SGI-Europa.

Essays fra Daisaku Ikeda

The bonds of our hearts create a society in which people can feel secure - 1. marts

Winter Always Turns to Spring - 11. marts

From Prayer, Hope will be born - 15. marts

Those who continuously learn are wise - 22. marts

“Mentor and Disciple” is the path of infinite development - 29. marts

“Sincerity” is the foundation of trust - 5. april

‘Family’ is a beacon in the community - 12. april

The power of words that inspire and encourage the human heart - 19. april

A Bastion of Life-Affirming Journalism - 20. april

Let’s spread the philosophy that ‘Life itself is the supreme treasure’ throughout the world - 26. april

Let us express our heart of gratitude to our mothers, the suns of peace - 10. maj

Protectors of Life—The Lofty Spirit of Hope! - 12. maj

Let’s make a fresh advance with the ‘Power of the Voice’! - 17. maj

Forging Bonds between Human Hearts Nourishes Community - 24. maj

The Brilliance of Women Makes Society Shine - 31. maj

Children are the ‘future of all humanity’ - 7. juni

Let’s become a global citizen to protect our green planet Earth! - 14. juni

Celebrating ‘Father’s Day’ The champions of humanity who spread trust in society! - 21. juni

Let’s lead a life of value with a youthful spirit! - 28. juni

Let’s set a clear goal and take a step forward! - 5. juli

Hope shines with brilliance when we open the Gosho - 12. juli

On ‘the Founding Day of the Young Women’s Division’ - 19. juli

Let’s construct a ‘Creative Family’ through inspiring and improving each other - 2. august

Stand Tall with the Majestic Dignity of Mount Fuji! - 3. august

Let’s strengthen our life force and enjoy ‘good health’ in our lives! - 16. august

Individuals who forge a prime point with their mentor are strong - 23. august

Fresh challenges bring forth vibrant dynamism in our lives - 30. august

The sacred work of fostering people creates our future - 6. september

Let’s create flower gardens of happiness in our local communities! - 13. september

Marking ‘Respect-for-the-Aged Day’ - 20. september

My greatest wish is the growth and development of youth - 27. september

Let’s courageously reach out to our friends! - 11. oktober 

Gosho-opmuntringer fra Daisaku Ikeda

The Men of Soka Are the Golden Pillars of Our Movement - 8. marts

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Is a Source of Boundless Good Fortune
and Benefit - 10. marts

The Spirit of Oneness of Mentor and Disciple Is the Heart of Nichiren
Buddhism - 17. marts

The Infinite Power of Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo - 20. marts

Our Prayer for Kosen-rufu Can Make the Impossible Possible - 24. marts

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Honestly and Openheartedly - 26. marts

Bringing Fresh Energy to Your Workplaces and Society - 1. april

Boldly Take a Step Forward - 3. april

Imparting Courage and Hope to All - 9. april

Overcoming All Obstacles with Firm Faith - 15. april

Sharing Hope-filled “Words and Writing” with People Near and Far - 18. april

Creating Causes for Future Victory - 21. april

Fulfilling Our Vow as Bodhisattvas of the Earth - 23. april 

Illuminating the Times with the Light of Youth - 29. april

Connected by Deep Bonds from the Distant Past - 2. maj

Successors of Soka, Soar into the Skies of Hope! - 5. maj

Never Forgetting Our Appreciation for the Mothers of Soka - 9. maj

Warmly Encouraging Everyone around Us - 13. maj

Now Is the Time to Employ the “Strategy of the Lotus Sutra” - 15. maj

Enfolding the World in Our Daimoku - 18. maj 2020

Life Is the Most Precious of All Treasures - 21. maj 2020

The Everlasting Brilliance of Our Many Treasures Group Members - 27. maj

Young Women, Illuminate the Future with the Light of Good Fortune and Wisdom! - 30. maj 2020

Growing “Bluer than the Indigo” - 3. juni

Advancing with the Wisdom and Power of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth - 5. juni

Sharing the Hope-Filled Light of Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings - 9. juni

Imparting Sincere and Refreshing Words of Encouragement - 12. juni

Hilsener fra Daisaku Ikeda og Kaneko Ikeda

Soka Gakkai-Dag og Soka Gakkais Mors Dag - 3. maj

Hilsen til kvinder og unge kvinders deltagelse i 1-2-3 ALLES FORÅR NU! - 10. maj

Senseis hilsen til unge mænds årsmøde - 11. juli

Senseis hilsen til efterårsaktiviteter 2020 - oktober

Daisaku Ikedas opmuntringer til børn og unge

Bring the Flowers of Your Mission to Bloom in Your Own Special Way - april 2020

Let’s Advance Cheerfully on the Path of Learning and Self-development! - april 2020

Winning in One’s Youth with the Power of the Mystic Law - marts 2019

Your Heart Determines the Kind of Youth You Lead - 1. april 2019

Keep Moving Forward with an Upbeat Rhythm - 1. juni

Let’s Create a Rainbow of Victory Extending into the Future! - 1. juni

SGI-Europa og SGI-DK

World Youth General Meeting

Opdaterede retningslinier for møder september 2020

#10Kdialoguesfor justice

24. august - dagen hvor Daisaku Ikeda modtog Gohonzon

3. juli Soka Gakkai Day of Mentor and Disciple

6. juni europæisk mentordiscipeldag

Special Edition 3 May 2020 "Thank you Sensei"

123 Be the Light