This ongoing novelized history of the Soka Gakkai, contains not only episodes from the past but timeless guidance in faith.
Chapter Summary :-
Chapter 1: Trailblazing
Shin'ichi Yamamoto's visit to Europe was a trailblazing journey, meant to open the door to peace and sow seeds of humanism.
Chapter 2: Joy
On October 15, 1961, Shin'ichi Yamamoto travels to Madrid, Spain and then on to Geneva, Switzerland, Zurich, Vienna and Rome, Italy.
Chapter 3: Victory
On October 30 and November 1st, Shin'ichi appeared before the Osaka District Court in connection with charges laid against him in what had come to be called the Osaka Incident.
Chapter 4: Lion
The final verdict in the Osaka Incident trial was to be handed down in court on January 25.